Find out how the AgEagle eBee X can enhance your operations with BVLOS operations in Canada – CartoCanada
Canada’s only authorized distributor
for AgEagle and Parrot drones.

Find out how the AgEagle eBee X can enhance your operations with BVLOS operations in Canada

eBee X drone flying over a landscape, promoting CartoCanada's BVLOS webinar

Presented by CartoCanada in partnership with AgEagle and ALTOHELIX Corporation.

Come learn about the application process, use of visual observers, and why the eBee X fixed-wing drone is the simplest way for organizations to get approval from Transport Canada for BVLOS flight operations.

In this webinar you’ll learn about:
✅ Current considerations for Canada’s BVLOS application process
✅ Differences between Extended VLOS & BVLOS operations
✅ Operational comparisons of Quads & Fixed-wings on BVLOS
✅ Application advantages to get your program off the ground

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