Faro & GeoSLAM Archive – CartoCanada
Canada’s only authorized distributor
for AgEagle and Parrot drones.
Faro & GeoSLAM
Faro & GeoSLAM makes it easy to capture and connect data from the world around us. From the built environment to the natural world, Faro & GeoSLAM technology gives people the power to collect geospatial data from some of the most difficult environments, whether they are indoor, outdoors, underground – everywhere.

Faro & GeoSLAM

  • FARO® Orbis™

    FARO® Orbis is a unique mobile scanning solution created to optimize workflows and elevate productivity.

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  • GeoSLAM Horizon RT

    Points per second: 300,000
    Number of Sensors: 16
    Relative accuracy: up to 6mm
    Range: 100 meters

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    ZEB Horizon

    Points per second: 300,000
    Number of Sensors: 16
    Relative accuracy: up to 6mm
    Range: 100 meters

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