Drone Flight Training & RPAS Flight Review
Training by CartoCanada and its authorized partners can provide complete comprehensive training and is registered with Transport Canada as compliant RPAS Aviation Training.
Our courses can be 1-day refresher on RPAS operations, to a 4 day comprehensive course that includes testing for the Aviation Radio Certificate. We can also customize the courses to meet your criteria. Please use our contact form to speak to one of our specialists to support your training needs.

Training Options
Pilot Certificate – Basic Operations
- Training with Certified Flight Instructor
- Up to Date Air Laws and Regulations coverage TP15263
- Preparation for RPAS small Basic Certification online exam- time allotted for certification testing
- For the Basic Certificate, we recommend RPAS Training as an online solution offered by AltoHelix (RPAS Centre). We can offer you a 10% discount signed up via the direct link or the coupon code “Carto10”
2021 Basic Exam Prep. Online
2021 Advanced Exam Prep. Online
Several training options from online to live. The courses are designed to equip you with the theoretical knowledge and skills to pass the Transport Canada exam.
Note: Transport Canada’s online exam is 50 questions to be answered in 1 hour. Transport Canada’s online test cost ($10) has to be paid at the time of login. To complete the requirements for the “RPAS Certificate Advanced Operation”, you are required to also pass the Flight Review – Field Test (Transport Canada Approved) listed below.
Advanced Exam and flight safety training (Classroom)
- Total of 4 Days
- Groups up to 8 attendees.
- Including ROC-A
- This course is designed to equip all prospective Advanced Pilot Certificate and is a live ground school (options to ask questions).
- Flight planning and operation software (general)
- Live operation in the field
- Emergency flight situation training

ROC-A Restricted Operators Certificate -Aeronautical
- Designed to prepare students to obtain their Restricted Operators Certification – Aeronautical (ROC-A), this course is provided for FREE with purchase of the ROC-A examination.
Get the knowledge and skills you need to become an eBee eXpert with our dedicated AgEagle operator certification program. This training program will give you the highest level of knowledge and ability on all aspects of AgEagle’seBee systems.

- senesFly fixed-wing and Parrot or Autel quad-copters
- In more advanced situations.
- Get flight experience in real weather conditions outdoor.
- Get ready for the
- Small Advanced Flight Review
- As a professional drone pilot.
- The training can be tailored to your needs.
- Operating software training online
- Practical field flight training with both fixed-wing and quad-copters.

RPAS Flight Review – Field (Test Transport Canada Approved)
- Before you conduct your flight review, you must pass the Small Advanced Exam.
- The flight reviewer will assess your ability to operate your drone safely.
- Allocate 2 hrs. max. (the Flight Review will talk 1 hr or less).
- Our Flight Reviewers are certified by Transport Canada to perform the Flight Review.
Flight Review with CartoCanada
Palmerston Ont. are Cost: $200/person
Flight Review RPAS Center
RPAS Centre anywhere in Canada $212 after 10% discount

Data Processing software training
Mosaic software:-
- Pix4D mapper is the most used drone mosaicing softer. This software is often used in the background on online processing services.
- Pix4D field is an advanced but affordable software developed for the Agriculture Training options we have access to: