MicroSurvey FieldGenius – CartoCanada
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for AgEagle and Parrot drones.

MicroSurvey FieldGenius

FieldGenius is brand neutral, with drivers to support most common hardware available in the market today, as well as yesterday.

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Use the full array of features with the hardware you currently have. FieldGenius is brand neutral, with drivers to support most common hardware available in the market today, as well as yesterday. FieldGenius is a professional full-featured field survey software that boosts productivity with an intuitive and easy to use interface. Instead of committing to a specific hardware that will become obsolete, investing in FieldGenius will allow you to use all your gear, regardless of brand. Reliable code-free linework FieldGenius is a powerful, code-free GIS mapping and data management app. Our code-free linework is the best in the business, and as a result, hasn’t been changed since the product was introduced in 2001. FieldGenius is powerful in its simplicity as it doesn’t rely on any complicated coding for anything from linework to point descriptors. To create complex linework you only need to master the three elements: the Mapview touchscreen, the three buttons on topo toolbar and the active figures list. No modified point descriptor needed.
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